A student scooping water from small ditch of water surrounded by grasses


The Opportunity of Inquiry

For scholars who share a common passion for inquiry because of what it can reveal about our world and ourselves, there is opportunity here.

Research at ND

A group of students singing while sunshine pours through the trees above them

Faith & Service

The Demands of Justice

Notre Dame is animated by a faith that inspires us to seek knowledge because of the powerful tool it can be to improve humankind.

Faith & Service at ND

A young man wearing a blue Notre Dame backback is looking down the length of the Great Wall of China


The Connected World

Notre Dame seeks to be in the world, and to bring the world to Notre Dame, because inquiry and scholarly exchange are enriched by the pursuit of cultural fluency.

Global Scholarship at ND

University News

Notre Dame At Work

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University Stories

Notre Dame In Focus

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Black and white photo of the Giants baseball team with halftone texture


In the presence of Giants

How Notre Dame students and faculty are uncovering the legacy of South Bend's underrepresented baseball teams

A students paints a luminaire — a mockup of the window painted onto clear acetate and framed, so that light can shine through it

Colleges and Schools

Painting with light

New class explores the history, significance, and making of stained glass